Credit Agricole Suisse (Switzerland)

Incorporated in Switzerland, Credit Agricole (Suisse) AG is the principal private bank in the Credit Agricole Group. Credit Agricole Suisse is the main private banking entity in the Credit Agricole Group, the world's fifth-largest bank.
With three booking centres in Switzerland, Hong Kong and Singapore, Credit Agricole can help diversify your asset portfolio by region and by asset class. Credit Agricole Suisse worldwide presence in Switzerland (Geneva, Lausanne, Lugano, Zurich), UAE (Abu Dhabi, Dubai), Hong Kong, Singapore, Lebanon, Uruguay.
Credit Agricole ratings: "A2" Moody's Long term, "A" by Standard & Poor's, "A+" by FitchRatings.
Credit Agricole Suisse's business model relies on four business activities:
- Private Banking (offering discretionary investment management, investment funds, private Equity, advisory, structured products, real estate, financial planning etc).
- Capital Markets (foreign exchange, precious metals, structured products and derivatives).
- Corporate Banking (transactional Commodity Finance, commercial banking, trade&export finance, and cash management).
- Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) (outsourcing of IT (S2i integrated system) and banking back-office operations.
- Accounts in all major currencies.
- Time deposits.
- Private Banking.
- Corporate Banking.
- Capital Markets.
- Business Process Outsourcing.
- Tax and wealth Planning.
- Investment Advisory Services.
- Internet banking.
- Wide range of Visa, MasterCard, American Express cards.
- Multilingual customer support (German, English, Russian, French.)
- Personal visit to the bank is not required.
- The initial deposit requirement is CHF 1,000,000 or equivalent in another currency. The initial deposit must be transferred to the account with 3 months.
- Account opening timeframe. The account will be activated within 3 - 5 business days, upon receipt by the bank of all duly completed forms and documents and face-to-face meeting.
- Notarized copy of valid passport. The passport must be signed and signature must match the signature in the application form. The photograph must be clear and of good quality.
- Original or notarized copy of utility bill / bank statement dated within 3 months as verification of residential address.
- Original or notarized copy of Lawyer's/Banker's/Accountant's reference letter dated within 3 months.
- Personal CV
First you have to know the banks website:
How to open the account:
Please contact the bank via their contact form with the wish to open an account:
The bank will answer you in about 1-3 working days at the latest and will tell you how to proceed.
After you returned the application forms with all necessary documents back to the bank, your account is set up after further 5-7 working days and you will get the access data by post delivered.
Your new Offshore bank account is from then on fully usable.
Important notes:
If the account opening documents provided are incomplete, unverified or are not clear they may have to request further information, documents or clarification from you before they can open your account.
As part of the process you will need to send personal information. It’s very important that you use real information. Don’t try to use questionable data. If you have some problem or a specific question the best is to contact them directly and let them know so they can help you.
For further questions regarding your account opening we ask you to contact the customer care center directly of the bank via:
Tel: +41 58 321 91 00